
Plasma Infusion #2...done!

Kyin had his second infusion on Thursday (1/23).  He was a trooper!  I wasn't thinking and put his numbing cream on the insides of his elbows, like I do when he get's his blood drawn-not on the tops of his hands where he would get his IV. They ended up placing it where I put the cream, but his nurse had to do both arms (the IV tube came over half way out of his vein before she got it taped on his arm, and couldn't get it back in).  Miss. Jen, the child life specialist in the Hemat/Onc/BMT area, came in to help hold his arm still. After an enthralling conversation with Kyin about poop and farts (he was giggling uncontrollably-she's very good at her job) she promised him a big poke prize for being so brave and getting two pokes (he maintains he wasn't brave).  He ended up getting his second Lego set from her.  

While waiting for Dr. Smith to come in (Dr. Kurt was out that day), Kyin's social worker at the hospital came in.  She ended up submitting paper work to sign Kyin up for Children's Special Healthcare Services.  It's a co-pay assistance program, she has not doubt that his diagnosis would qualify him for this program, which as insurance EOBs are starting to come in, will be a lifesaver!

His appointment with Dr. Smith was uneventful.  His labs came back a little worrisome for me, although Rebecca (his fantastical nurse) assured me that they were in the normal range.

                                                 Tuesday (1/21)                     Thursday (1/23)
WBC                                              7,800                                    12,370
Hemoglobin                                     11.8                                       11.9
Platelets                                        215,000                                 167,000

I guess it worries me that his platelets dropped so much in just 2 days.  I'm ecstatic that his hemoglobin is staying steady, considering we dropped his Pred down to 10mg a day.  His spike in WBCs with the decrease in Pred also had me a little concerned, but he did get the sniffles yesterday, so I guess he could be fighting something off.

The infusion itself was pretty easy, a lot more relaxed without Max there this time.  The infusion area was super busy, but we were able to find a station.  It happened to be right next to the nurses station. Kyin ended up throwing sticky snowflakes at the window to the nurses station with one of the nurses.  They gave him a little box lunch and his slushy and he sat and played with his Nook for a while, until Miss. Jen gave him his Lego City set.  Then he started putting together his Lego's. 

 Even though we were there for over 3 hours it didn't feel like that, thankfully.  He goes back again for another infusion in 2 weeks.  At that time he will also have an exam with Dr. Kurt again.  I think I might talk to her about having a port placed for him.  If it's an option, I'll let him decide on if it's something he'll want to do.  He just absolutely hates getting his blood drawn and IVs placed, so I think it would take a lot of stress off him.

Jerrad got some great news on Friday-he got his separation date from the Navy!  He will be a veteran of the USN after April 27th!  He should be back up in the mitten on April 29th- just in time to celebrate his 32nd birthday!

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